Featuring original essays from: James Cameron, Jesse Eisenberg, Chef José Andrés, NRDC President Rhea Suh, Michael Greger M.D., Sierra Club Deputy Executive Director Michael Brune, Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard, racecar driver and eco-champion Leilani Munter, and more! 

"Full of recipes that are good to eat and good for the earth." 
Ellen DeGeneres

"This book can guide us toward real change."
—Alice Waters

"Live healthier while treating the planet better."
—Dr. Oz. 

“This informative and motivating book highlights how we can make a big difference to the future of the planet simply through our food choices.”
—Paul McCartney

“Food Is the Solution demonstrates how food lovers can change the world for the better.”
—Wolfgang Puck

“This book can help lead you on a creative and delicious adventure—and contribute to a healthier Earth.”
—Mollie Katzen, author of Moosewood Cookbook

“Environmental eating just got tastier!”
—Chloe Coscarelli, author of Chloe’s Kitchen

 “This book is an important call to action for anyone who eats.”
—Emeril Lagasse

“Food is power, and this book will help you use it.”
—David Chang, Momofuku

“As global citizens, we all share in the responsibility of creating a better future. With this book, Matthew Prescott shows us how our food choices can do just that.”
—José Andrés

“Matthew Prescott proves that food can be delicious while also helping mend the social and ecological fabric of our world.”
—Michael Symon

“Devour this book. Eat it up. It might just save your life and the world.”
—Michael Greger, MD, author of How Not to Die

Food Is the Solution shares easy ways to look and feel great while also respecting the Earth. Talk about a win-win!”
—Elle Macpherson

“Food plays a big part of our identity, and this book will help us align what we eat with who we are.”
—Keegan-Michael Key

“More people than ever are enjoying plant-based foods as a way to help themselves and the planet. Matthew Prescott’s book makes it easy and accessible for anyone to lend a hand— and fork.”
—Téa Leoni

“There’s nothing sexier than saving the earth— and this book shows you how you can do that through the power of your plate.”
—Pamela Anderson

“The planet needs us, and this book can help.”

“Eat more plants for a better planet: Easy peasy. Bon appétit!”
—Paul “Pee-wee Herman” Reubens

“For those of us already enthralled by Matthew Prescott’s perspective and insight into how what we eat affects who we are and the fate of the world, this book comes at exactly the right time.”
—Mayim Bialik

 “Though diet is but one of many things we need to change, we won't be able to save the world without dramatically changing our food and agriculture practices. Matthew Prescott has assembled a detailed and delicious road map to survival.”
—Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club

“Individual action can lead to collective action, and collective action opens the door for system wide, positive change. So please do all you can, starting at home -- where Matthew Prescott's inspiring book can guide you to some healthy and delicious choices.”
—Fred Krupp, President, Environmental Defense Fund

Food Is the Solution is the guide I wish I had as a young mom. This is the blueprint for anyone who eats.”
—Laurie David, Academy Award-winning producer of An Inconvenient Truth

Food Is the Solution will give you the tools you need to incorporate plant-based eating into your everyday life. Start now, and help the planet.”
—Mark R. Tercek, President & CEO, The Nature Conservancy

“A superb and thought-provoking book about the long term impact of what we eat on the environment and our health. We need to learn how to vote with our mouths and this is a great guide to help us do so.”
—Theodore Roosevelt IV, Chairman, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

“Eating with the Earth in mind has never been easier, thanks to this important and eye- opening book.”
—John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market

“There’s a place at the table for everyone when it comes to environmental eating, and this book can help you find yours.”
—Bob Perciasepe, former Deputy Administrator, The United States EPA

“We impact the world at each meal, and this book can help us use our plates as a force for good.”
—Richard Linklater

“The fact is: the more plant-based we eat, the better we feel, the better we are. No more alternative facts.”
—Rosie O’Donnell

“There’s a crisis in our oceans and on our planet. This book offers concrete, easy and delicious ways to help.”
—Louie Psihoyos, Academy Award-winning director The Cove and Racing Extinction

 “Each one of us can help protect the planet when we choose what to eat. It's simpler than you may think! This book will give you all the tools you need.”
—Vani Hari, author of The Food Babe Way

 “We can heal our bodies through the right types of food, and by consuming and producing the right ingredients, food also becomes a medicine for our planet.”
—Petra Němcová

“Want to save the world while enjoying great food? This marvelous book shows you how.”
—John Robbins, author of Diet for A New America

“Great book, great food, better world—what more could we ask for?”
—Tal Ronnen, Crossroads Kitchen

“This book is the best thing since sliced bread.”
—Bruce Friedrich, Executive Director, the Good Food Institute

“The world—literally, planet Earth—needs this book!”
—Kathy Freston, author of Quantum Wellness, The Lean, and Clean Protein

“Matthew Prescott has cut through all the confusing information on the food supply to bring us great recipes that are good for us and the planet. A must read!”
—Kristin Davis

Food Is the Solution offers moving stories and helpful tips so we can all live more sustainably.”
—Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group

“This is one of the most crucial books of our time. It offers amazing, healthy food while being environmentally conscious and informative. A must read!”
—His Royal Highness, Khaled bin Alwaleed, Prince of Saudi Arabia

“The message for the future is really very simple: Get as close to a whole food, plant-based diet as possible.”
—Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study

“Use this book as an important tool to help you turn your diet into a force for good.”
—Kierán Suckling, Executive Director, the Center for Biological Diversity

“Great cause, great recipes, great read!”
—Evan Sharp, Co-founder of Pinterest

“Protecting our environment takes all hands—and mouths—on deck. Food Is the Solution shows how simple it can be to adopt a more Earth-friendly lifestyle which is a critical first step to changing our habits as a society.”
—Margie Alt, Executive Director, Environment America

“This book will help you celebrate Earth Day every day!”
—Kathleen Rogers, President, Earth Day Network

“Thought provoking resources and recipes to help you kick start a more environmentally- friendly diet.”
—Ian Anderson, front man for Jethro Tull

“Matthew Prescott provides a compelling case that most foods that are good for you are also good for the world. Whether you’re a carnivore or vegan, you’ll benefit from reading this book.”
—Lawrence Williams, CEO, the US Healthful Foods Council

Food Is the Solution will help you save the Earth and live more compassionately.”
—Gene Baur, founder, Farm Sanctuary

“A timely resource to help us all eat better and tread lighter on the planet.”
—Jamie Rappaport Clark, President & CEO, Defenders of Wildlife

“Today's chefs are spending more time than ever before on plant-forward foods. As this book proves, culinarians can activate positive change to help us all eat better and diversify our food choices, while also preserving our planet and its precious resources.”
—Scott Giambastiani, Global Program Chef, Google

“For anyone wondering what they can do for the climate, this important book proves our everyday choices can have powerful consequences – not to mention, some seriously delicious results.”
—Ken Berlin, President & CEO, The Climate Reality Project

“This provocative and valuable book reminds us that a smart diet is good for our health, our soul, and our planet.”
—Gene Karpinski, President, The League of Conservation Voters

“As this book shows, even slight changes in diet can help improve water quality.”
—William C. Baker, President, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

“We can fight for the planet and the public health in the courts or when we eat. Matthew Prescott shows us how to make a difference with every meal.”
—Trip Van Noppen, President, EarthJustice

“Matthew Prescott has created an outstanding resource to support global change.”
—Julianaa Satie, founder, The School of Natural Cookery

“We can stand up for the planet when we sit down to eat, and Matthew Prescott has given us straightforward, easy ways to do exactly that.”
—Terry Tamminen, CEO, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and former Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency

“Matthew Prescott has offered a significant tool for anyone who wants to take action for the planet every time they eat.”
—Lindsey Allen, Executive Director, Rainforest Action Network

“A menu of ideas to help us eat in a more environmentally responsible and healthy way.”
—Janet Ranganathan, World Resources Institute

“Food tastes so much better when you know it is giving back to the world. This book highlights how and why.”
—Chad Sarno, co-author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen and Wicked Healthy

“For your health, the environment, and animals—this book has everything you need to make a difference!”
—Doron Petersan, Fare Well and Sticky Fingers Bakery

Food Is the Solution can help you invest in your health and the health of the Earth at every   meal.”
—Leslie Samuelrich, President, Green Century Capital Management

“We can use our plates to help the planet. This book is a giant lightbulb switched on to help us.”
—John Schlimm, author of Five Years in Heaven

“This  book  is  a  great  guide  to  a  simpler, healthier,  and more  compassionate way to  live.
—Wendie Malick