
"That Shark Drag Video is Horrifying. But it Happens Every Day." FORTUNE, January 2018
"Many Companies are Treating their Chickens Better. Why Isn't Tyson?" FORTUNE, October 2017
"You Might Soon Be Eating Meat Grown in a Tank—And Like It," FORTUNE, August 2017
"How Your Diet Can Save the Planet," FORTUNE, July 2017
"We went undercover at the 2nd largest chicken company. What we found will shock you." HuffPost, June 2017
"Why Animal Cruelty is Bad for Business," FORTUNE, June 2017
"What's Happening Behind our Plates?," USA Today (insert), April 2017
"Chicken may not be the lean meat you thought it was," HuffPost, February 2017
"Poultry Industry Plays Chicken with Consumers," HuffPost, January 2017
"Dairy industry has a cow over plant-based milk," Grist, January 2017
"The Economics of Farm Animal Welfare," radio interview with NPR Baltimore (WYPR), July 2016
"The Supermarket Sector's Cage-Free Future,", February 2016
"The Egg Supply's Cage-Free Future," Nation's Restaurant News, December 2015
The Future of Food Finance,” Barron’s, July 2015
"Humane Food and Ethical Investment," radio interview with ABC Radio Australia, September 2015
"Big Food Investors to Meet about Humane Sourcing," Reuters (interview), September 2015
"The Business Side of Animal Rights," Wall Street Journal, January 2015
Your Pig Almost Certainly Came from a Factory Farm, No Matter What Anyone Tells You,” Washington Post, June 2014
Industrial Farming’s Food For Thought,” Triple Pundit, May 2015
Food and Social Media,” New York Times (letter), December 2013
Capitalizing on Corporate Responsibility,” Grocery Headquarters, June 2014
"The Humane Society's New Pitch: This Pork Producer is a Bad Investment," Bloomberg, April 2014
Taking Sides,” Supermarket News, January 2014
"Smithfield Prods Pork Suppliers to Dump Pig Crates," NPR, January 2014
"Burger King Agrees to Cage-Free Eggs," CNN, April 2012
In Massive Shift, Nestle Takes on Animal Cruelty,” LiveScience, September 2014
Pork Producers Prohibit Painful Pig Pens,” LiveScience, June 2014
More Humane Food Supply Can be Good Economically,” Nation’s Restaurant News, December 2013
What Consumers can do to Improve the Lives of Farm Animals,” CNN, July 2012